Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This Little Light of Mine, I'm Gonna Let It Shine!

       We all want happiness but external incentives are not what bring it - although we all have been guilty of searching for it there.  We all have our own experiences that have led us to believe that a superficial cause leads to an inner bliss.  When we get what we want we feel happy.  When things just don’t seem to go our way…well, it makes us feel a little unhappy.

        Being comfortably engulfed in the deepest feeling of joy regardless of any external factors is a challenging goal after being conditioned to the stimulus-response process that we have all grown to experience.  But all things that are worth having take a little work.  So on your journey, take your time, be patient on your path and as you walk steadily – it will come.

            My journey has been colorful – full of many different paths, experiencing some successes and encountering some challenges.  

  Sometimes things get hard but there is a place beyond these surface level emotions.  The level of bliss and love lies far deeper than the mental level where surface emotions dance in reaction to external factors.  I lose contact with it sometimes- of course – I am living and learning - but then I remember and find my light.   Our center of consciousness never dies. It is our light that shines the brightest of all lights.  It is the only light that we can direct - unlike the sun and the moon.  It shines brightest at our purest form of self – our center.

       When things seem tough just remember you are complete regardless of whether or not you have the material things you desire.  Do the most to accomplish your best despite the fact that many may never know of the great things you have done.  Feel whole with or without a life partner.  The external factors we long for and spend our lives searching for are empty journeys.  The journey is within – your joy is pre existing and no one thing or person can take it away.  Be aware of what is inward, live straight forward and life will be a joyful song. 

         Learning to be closest to the inner chamber of your being is an ancient practice that is profound yet practical.  So simple in fact that most over look it - in the frantic frenzy to attain what society leads us to perceive is the source of happiness. 

       Being happy, satisfied, and truly glowing are all natural byproducts of knowing and accepting who we are within.  Those that continue to run from themselves will remain miserable.  Those that build themselves to consciously, persistently, and gently pursue their goal will slowly but surely reach their ever-blissful center and the rest will come organically. 

Peace & Bliss beautiful people.  Keep smiling!

Living, learning, laughing,


My Beautiful Son

My Beautiful Son
Taj Fleming