Friday, April 22, 2011

5 Great Things to Know about Earth Day 2011

Happy Earth Day Beautiful People– You’ve got to love this!
I am so pleased with the reports from Earth Day Network!  Brothers and Sisters all over the world are coming together and making such a difference!   The Earth Day network reports volunteer service is all-encompassing across the world. They anticipate over 4,000 people to plant community gardens, clean up riverbanks and remove invasive vegetation from parks.  It looks like we may have as much enthusiasm as we did on the first Earth Day in 1970!  It is a wonderful thing! 
  • Local and state leaders worldwide have realized the need to cultivate local green economies.  They are holding Earth Day Network's Global Day of Conversation meetings with their constituents.  In the U.S., 240 cities are participating while 22 events are confirmed internationally, in China, Macau, Iraq, Mexico, UK, Albania, Italy, Uganda and South Africa.

  • In the U.S., over 160 universities have joined Earth Day University, registering 250 events.  To name a few, Husson University in Bangor, Maine is donating produce from its organic garden to Shaw House, a local homeless shelter.   Duke University is devoting the full month of April to Earth Day.   Phenomenal!

  • The U.S. State Department adopted A Billion Acts of Green® as its own Earth Day theme, calling on 256 U.S. Embassies and Consulates in 177 countries to log the most Acts of Green. The U.S. Ambassador to Finland will conduct country-wide “Skype” call with students across his country encouraging them to take individual action to reduce their carbon footprint.  How awesome is that?

  • Over 150 cities and towns in India are holding Earth Day events.  The Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), founded in 1972 by noted Gandhian and civil rights leader Dr. Ela Bhatt, is coordinating Earth Day events in 10 districts of western India. 

  • Young Iraqi land mine survivors Hocar Hamdamin Hassan and his 11-year-old brother are greening their Nesetman Primary School by planting trees. Hocar said he wants to show the world that everybody should help save the planet, no matter the obstacles. 
All of these acts of green warm me.  You can still get involved and help me celebrate Earth Day 2011 if you have not already!  Here is how:
There are hundreds of ways for you to get involved in Earth Day this year. Visit the Earth Day 2011 page for a full breakdown. Want to get started right now? The Earth Day network recommends that you organize an Earth Day Event in your community or attend an event near you, and pledge an Act of Green. You can even check out an environmentally themed movie, like Mia and the Migoo.
I’d love for you to share your 2011 Act of Green with us! Drop a line to tell me about it.  Have a lovely Earth Day, Beautiful People!

My Beautiful Son

My Beautiful Son
Taj Fleming