We are all the playwright of our own dramas from time to time. The drama of worldly existence, what we perceive as life when we are on stage can fence us in or set us free. Drama is created and recreated throughout life by us and we fail to see dramas simply as dramas. When we are in it we have a brief moment where we perceive the drama as authentic – that’s when it becomes our trap and creates the sting.
What I live and learn, I share – so here it is. Think, do and be positive. Mistaking our dramas that we produce in our minds as the reality of life only makes us vulnerable to the turmoil of pain and inauthentic pleasure. Then, the dawn of realization comes and we gain a little insight – now watching the drama from a distance, the turmoil lessens. The lesson from the drama is revealed. The humor from the drama becomes apparent – and then we do it all over again – hopefully progressing a bit each time. In life these things happen - keep that in mind.
We are living, we are learning and we cannot forget to Laugh. We take chances, we make choices that sometimes turn into mistakes, we experience life everyday but we mustn’t take it beyond the purpose of learning.
The purpose of life is peace, happiness, and bliss. That is what we are all here to attain and in order to do that comes life’s lessons. Remember anything beyond the lesson is drama.
Use discrimination to extract the lesson from every situation and self -discipline to take what is meant for you to have. Then, continue on your journey gracefully. With a disciplined mind and determination comes clarity. The choices that were once so ambiguous become certain. With each lesson your discrimination strengthens.
Inner peace, clarity, self love, and a disciplined mind lead you closer to your purpose. Dance to the song of silence for a few moments each day to find your peace within. Be it a prayer or meditation it will lead you to recognize life’s lessons and make the decisions that lead you to growth and joy.